Theravada Buddhist Meditation Centers (Outside of Myanmar)
That Offer Vipassanā Meditation Retreats
Using the Method of Practice Taught by the Venerable Mahāsi Sayadaw
North America
1215 Lucretia Ave
San Jose, CA 95122
Tel: 408 294-4536
Tathagata meditation center in San Jose, California offers both short and long retreats (ranging from one to two weeks up to thirty and sixty days) throughout the year. Please check their website for specific retreat dates and registration information. Sayadaw U Thuzana and Sayadaw U Tejañāṇa are the resident teachers, while visiting teachers have included Sayadaw U Thitzana, Sayadaw U Nanujjotabhivaṃsa, Sayadaw U Nandasiddhi, and Sayagyi Daw Vimalañāni. (Photo above shows Tathagata Meditation Center)
Centre Dhammaramsi
22 Route de Floreffe
5170 RIVIERE, Belgium
+32(0)81/262915 (during retreats)
Email: info@dhammagroupbrussels.be
Dhammaramsi Center offers several two-week retreats every year. Teachers include Sayadaw U Thitzana, Sayadaw U Nanujjota, Sayadaw U Thuzana, and Sayagyi Daw Vajirañāni. Please check their website for specific dates and registration.
Saraniya Dhamma Meditation Center
420, Lower Broughton Road, Salford
Lancashire, M7 2GD, U.K.
Tel: 0161-281 6242
Email: admin@saraniya.com
Saraniya Meditation Center offers ten day retreats, as well as the opportunity for one to two week self retreats.
Sakyamuni Center, France
33 Allée Émile Gemton,
89340, Saint Agnan (lieu-dit Montbéon), France
Email : sakya89@gmail.com
Tel: 0675622709
Ten day retreats as well as self retreats are offered here. Visiting teachers at this center include: Maha Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannthami, Thamanaykyaw Sayadaw, Sayadaw U Vivekananda, Sayadaw U Nandasiddhi, and Sayagyi Daw Vimalañāni.
Panditārāma Lumbini Meditation Center
Lumbini Garden, Lumbini
Rupandehi District, Nepal
CDMA phone: 977 71 621084
Tel: 977 71 580118
Email: panditarama.lumbini@gmail.com
Panditārāma Lumbini offers the opportunity to practice year round. Meditators may schedule individual retreats from one week up to several months. The resident teachers are Sayadaw U Vivekananda and Sayagyi Daw Bhaddhamanika, both of whom have trained under Sayadaw U Pandita.
International Buddhist Meditation Center (IBMC)
GPO Box No. 8973, NPC 269
New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977-1-4784631, 4782707
Email: ibmcsati@gmail.com
The center is open year round for meditators to schedule retreats. Sayadaw U Pandita trained teachers include Sayadaw U Nyanavudha and Sayagyi Daw Vimalañāni.
Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Center (MBMC)
355 Jalan Mesjid Negeri
Penang 11600, Malaysia
Tel: (604) 282 2534
Email: mbmc@tm.net.my
MBMC offers, ten day, two week as well as one month retreats led by the current resident teacher Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannananda, as well as visiting teachers Maha Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannathami and Sayadaw U Nyanavudha.
Khemanandi Meditation Center
Batu 6 ¾ Jalan Kluang, Panchor, 83300 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.
Contact Number: +60 13 772 4388
Email: KhemanandiMeditationCentre@gmail.com
International retreats are offered here every year. Teachers include Thamanaykyaw Sayadaw, Sayadaw U Nyanavudha, Sayagyi Daw Vimalañāni and Sayagyi Daw Khemanandi. Please check their website for specific dates and registration.
Panditārāma Sydney Meditation Center
70 Market Street
Smithfield NSW 2164
Sydney, Australia
Tel: 61 02 9729 2343
Email: pannathami@panditaramasydney.org
Ten day retreats taught by Maha Nayaka Sayadaw U Pannathami are available. Space is limited.